Housing is an international human right, but national courts often don’t comply
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Publications on the right to housing and it’s impact on national law
- Vols, M. (2022). Het recht op huisvesting en de Nederlandse Grondwet: Een analyse van artikel 22 lid 2 Grondwet: het recht op voldoende woongelegenheid . NJCM Bulletin. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten, 47(2), 147-167. https://www.navigator.nl/document/id13fb9c271e164440b2a6b5045252bc2e?cpid=WKNL-LTR-Nav2&cip=hybrid
Bruijn, M. (2021). The alternative war on drugs: drug evictions, cannabis regulation and the legal consequences of adapting to the limitations of criminal law in the field of drug control. [Thesis fully internal (DIV), University of Groningen]. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.168718831
- Van Tongeren, J. H. S. (2021). Priority housing as ex-offenders’ key to a home: assessing the potential of Dutch certificates of housing urgency using Lipsky’s theory on street-level bureaucrats. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 60(6), 395-421. https://doi.org/10.1080/10509674.2021.1948944
- Vols, M., & Kusumawati, E. D. (2020). The International Right to Housing, Evictions and the Obligation to Provide Alternative Accommodation, Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, 21(2), 237-269. https://brill.com/view/
journals/aphu/21/2/article- p237_237.xml. -
Van Tongeren, J. H. S. (2022). Housing Ex-Offenders in the Netherlands: Balancing Neighbourhood Safety and Human Rights. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 28(1), 57–77. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10610-020-09443-6
- Vols, M., Belloir, A., Hoffmann, M., & Zuidema, A. (2019). Common trends in eviction research: a systematic literature review. In M. Vols, & C. Schmid (Eds.), Houses, Homes and the Law (pp. 1-88). (Studies in Housing Law; Vol. 3). Eleven International Publishing.
- Bruijn, L. M., & Vols, M. (2019). Eviction as a Tool for Crime Control: Fighting Drug-Related Crime in the Netherlands and the United States. In N. M. Davidson, & G. Tewari (editors), Global Perspectives in Urban Law: The Legal Power of Cities (1 redactie). (Juris Diversitas). Routledge.
- Vols, M., & Schmid, C. U. (2019). Houses, Homes and the Law. (Studies in Housing Law; Vol. 3). Eleven International Publishing.
Vols, M., & Belloir, A. (2019). Tackling Rogue Landlords and Substandard Housing: Local Authorities’ Legal Instruments and their Effectiveness. Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law, 11(1), 2-19. https://doi.org/10.1108/JPPEL-08-2018-0025
- Vols, M. (2018). Evictions in the Netherlands. In P. Kenna, S. Nasarre-Aznar, P. Sparkes, & C. U. Schmid (Eds.), Loss of Homes and Evictions across Europe: A Comparative Legal and Policy Examination (pp. 214-238). (Elgar Land and Housing Law and Policy). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Vols, M., & de Boer, R. (2018). De Huisvestingswet 2014 en de aanpak van misstanden rondom kamerverhuur en –bewoning. De Gemeentestem, 2018(99), 516-526.
- Vols, M., & Sidoli del Ceno, J. (2017). Common Threads in Housing Law Research: A Systematic and Thematic Analysis of the Field. In M. Vols, & J. Sidolio (Eds.), People and Buildings: Comparative Housing Law (pp. 1-23). (Studies in housing law; Vol. 2). Eleven International Publishing.
- Vols, M., & Sidoli del Ceno, J. (2017). Contemporary Housing Law. In J. Sidoli, M. Vols, & M. Kiehl (Eds.), Regulating the City: Contemporary Urban Housing Law (pp. 1-10). (Studies in housing law; Vol. 1). Eleven International Publishing.
- Vols, M., & Sidoli del Ceno, J. (Eds.) (2017). People and Buildings: Comparative Housing Law. (Studies in Housing Law; Vol. 2). Eleven International Publishing.
- Sidoli del Ceno, J., & Vols, M. (Eds.) (2017). Regulating the City: Contemporary Urban Housing Law. (Studies in Housing Law; Vol. 1). Eleven International Publishing.
- Vols, M., & Minkjan, N. (2016). Huurachterstand, huisuitzetting en rechterlijke besluitvorming. Recht der Werkelijkheid, 37(2), 9-30. https://www.bjutijdschriften.nl/tijdschrift/rechtderwerkelijkheid/2016/2/RdW_1380-6424_2016_037_002_002https://doi.org/10.5553/RdW/138064242016037002002
- Vols, M., & Sidoli del Ceno, J. (2016). Notices and the Need for Formality. Landlord and Tenant Review, 20(3), 109-111.