The Right to Housing v. Development Projects: the Case of Faulkner and McDonagh v. Ireland29 August, 2022|
Presentation by Iris Schepers – Predicting Citations in Dutch Case Law with Natural Language Processing19 April, 2022|
EVICT Talk with Prof. Dr. Ingrid Leijten – Financialization in the Housing Sector: Potential and Pitfalls of a Human Rights Based Approach1 April, 2022|
The Individual and State Interest Opposed in Azerbaijan’s Illegal Construction Crisis: Proportionality as the Starting Point of Humane Justice29 March, 2022|
Horizontality and Housing Rights: Protection against Private Evictions from a European and South African Perspective22 March, 2022|
Special EVICT Talk with Masha Medvedeva – Automatically Identifying Eviction Cases and Outcomes Within Case Law of Dutch Courts of First Instance15 March, 2022|
What is a Community: Distinguishing the Right of Individuals to Housing v. the Right of Communities to Housing in the Case Law of the ECtHR26 January, 2022|